Each Saturday of the past month, Joy has taught our present and potential Sunday School teachers some basic elements for effectively teaching children in the setting of our local church. Each Sunday eight to ten people teach classes for children and early teens. We were very excited when the sign-up list included 25 names. Joy has worked very hard on this material, preparing visual aids (including PowerPoint), handouts, examples, and homework projects. The response has been terrific so far. The resulsts include increased effort in lesson preparation, more concern for classroom management, and greater variety in lesson presentation (even from the pastor!). The highlight was when one of the teaching teams used a Gospel illustration they had made to lead a boy in their class of older children to receive Jesus as his Savior! Needless to say they were thrilled!
The training seminar ends this weekend and those who complete the course will receive certificates. Pray for them as they study and teach. Pray with them for the children under their care. Pray with them and with parents of some of the kids who have trouble sitting still!