Family in Manta Ecuador

Family in Manta Ecuador
January 2015

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Baptisms in November 2012

On Sunday, November 25, 2012 our church celebrated the baptism of 3 believers in Jesus Christ. Each of them gave testimony of their saving faith in Jesus and of their desire to follow him as faithful disciples. Julia and Paula are sisters, part of one of our church families. Diego came to Christ a couple of months ago through his friend Juan who was baptized earlier this year. What a joy and privilege it is to have a part in making disciples as Jesus commanded!

Evangelism Missions Group

During the past several months our church has been getting more involved in doing missions at home, visiting communities, sharing the Gospel, and being part of the harvest team that goes out to the nations. We're really excited about what's ahead for this congregation in missions and multiplication.
Just last week a group of 14 people went out to a village about 90 minutes from Manta to share a puppet presentation, a mime mini-drama, games, and songs with a school that had given an invitation to our church. I've put up just a few of the pictures. I wish you could see all of the people involved.