We come to the end of 2016. Time to celebrate the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ. It's time to look back on 2016 with joy and gratitude for many lives changed forever by the one sent to us to bring us God's grace for the forgiveness of sins and adoption into his eternal family.
Here is a link to our latest prayer report:
Anzalone Ecuador update December 2016
Family in Manta Ecuador

January 2015
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a very happy Thanksgiving holiday! We have a lot to be thankful for.
Here is a link to our latest prayer report in which we give thanks for great things God has done for us.
Anzalone Prayer Report Nov 2016
Here is a link to our latest prayer report in which we give thanks for great things God has done for us.
Anzalone Prayer Report Nov 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
A Sunday Send-off
On Sunday (October 23) our church in Manta gave us a great send-off before our trip to the USA. In the morning several church ministry groups made presentations, special music, and skits. The church presented us with some very special gifts of remembrance and expressed appreciation for our ministry in starting the church in 2005 and leading it until the present time.
In the evening a delegation of people from the church were at the airport to see us off with many blessings and warm embraces.
We will be spending some time in the USA visiting ministry partners and planning the next stage of our work in Ecuador. We ask for God's guidance and wisdom for the next steps of our journey. We also pray for God to bless the ministry of Iglesia Bíblica Bautista de Manta under the leadership of Pastor Darwin Moreira.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
On October 16, Pastor Darwin Moreira was ordained for the ministry as lead pastor of Iglesia Bíblica Bautista de Manta. Pastor Darwin has been a part of the church since beginning to follow Jesus in 2005, back when the congregation had just started meeting. He has served for 6 years as assistant pastor and recently led the launch of a new congregation near Manta. We are excited about the future of the church under Darwin's leadership.
Gratitude Sunday at IBB Manta
October 9 was our Domingo de Gratitud, gratitude Sunday. We had an awesome time of prayer, testimony, and meditation on several Bible passages that express gratitude.
Everyone had an opportunity to write about their gratitude to God for those who have helped our church, our city, and Ecuador after the April earthquake.
Gratitude Sunday at IBB Manta
Gratitude Sunday at IBB Manta 2
Everyone had an opportunity to write about their gratitude to God for those who have helped our church, our city, and Ecuador after the April earthquake.
Gratitude Sunday at IBB Manta
Gratitude Sunday at IBB Manta 2
Friday, September 30, 2016
September 2016 Prayer Report
Follow these links to find out more about rebuilding projects for our ministry in Manta, Ecuador.
September 2016 Prayer Report
September 2016 Photo Page
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
August 2016 Prayer Report
Check out a summary of what our visiting ministry teams did. Read our August 2016 Prayer Report. Just click on the link below:
Thank you for your prayers and partnership in ministry.
August 2016 Prayer Report
Thank you for your prayers and partnership in ministry.
August 2016 Prayer Report
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Rewarding Bible Study
This past Sunday, June 5, our church recognized one of our Sunday School teachers, Viviana Moreira, for having completed 12 courses in our Thursday night Bible Institute, Escuela de Liderazgo Bíblico. Viviana has been a part of our church since we started in 2005. Pray for her as she and her family are going through a trial after their home was shattered by the earthquake. She has a brilliant testimony for Jesus so it was extremely cool to be able to encourage her by recognizing her for Bible study. Her reward is a big fat study Bible!
Friday, May 27, 2016
At Boston Baptist College
Both Joy and I graduated from Boston Baptist College, then called Baptist Bible College East, in 1983. Currently it is my privilege to serve as a trustee of the college, and I was able to attend meetings in Boston prior to this year's graduation. The ceremony is held at historic Faneuil Hall in the center of the city. Boston Baptist College is a unique institution, in a unique place, with a unique mission. I was impressed with the students' commitment to Christian ministry and to intense study of the Bible. The relationship between students, faculty, and administration is close and spiritual. Now I'm back in Ecuador and ready to focus on our ministry here, but I will be also be serving on behalf of my school with a new appreciation.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Earthquake Relief Ministry Video
Follow the link here to a short video about what has been going on, what God has been doing in our ministry in Ecuador. You may download the video to share with your church and friends and family. Thank you for your prayers and for your generous support!
Anzalone Earthquake Relief
Anzalone Earthquake Relief
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Prayer Report May 2016
These Moms attended the Mother's Day service at Iglesia Bíblica Bautista de Manta. We were meeting on the porch, so the group photo was taken in the street. We are having damaged walls removed from the auditorium building and new walls are going up!
You can download and read our May 2016 prayer report:
Anzalone Report May 2016
There is a photo page that accompanies the prayer report:
Anzalone Report May 2016 Photos
Monday, April 25, 2016
Serving Those in Need
Our church has been very active since the earthquake in getting food, water, clothing, and other needs to those who are suffering in Manta. We are cooperating with local and international missions organizations to put God's love in action around us. Please help with your prayers and with generous donations as God provides you with funds and directs your heart. Thank you!
Post-earthquake Praise and Prayer Service
Since our church building was damaged in the earthquake, we met outside on the front porch of the church with some extra improvised shade. The emphasis was praise and prayer. A group of well over 120 people participated in a time of worship that moved our hearts. Service is our church DNA so we are already mobilized to provide assistance and care to those around us who need it. So far we learned that 15 church families have been forced to abandon their homes because they are totally or partially destroyed and deemed unsafe. Pray for those who are in need and for those who serve. Remember that you can help by donating through Baptist Bible Fellowship International either online or by mail (PO Box 191 Springfield, MO 65801 or bbfimissions.com). Contact us if you need more information.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Earthquake Prayer Report
Follow the link to read our latest prayer report related to the recent earthquake we experienced in Manta, Ecuador.
prayer report
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Happy Easter
This is our family on Easter Sunday morning 2016.
Carla (12), Mattew (11), Teddy (nearly 14).
Youth Camp and Women's Retreat
Youth and youth ministry leaders worked hard in the weeks before camp to raise money and to be prepared for a great week at camp. They attended a camp organized by a group of churches in another region of Ecuador who were kind enough to invite our church. It was held at Campamento Bautista El Prado near Santo Domingo. The young people from Manta had a great time! They grew in faith and unity. When they returned, they were so excited that they organized a two-day youth retreat at our church with even more young people participating. God is at work in IBB Manta's youth ministry.
Women from IBB Manta were invited to a women's retreat at Campamento Cristiano Emaús. 10 women from the church attended the three-day event. They were blessed by the fellowship and outstanding conference speakers. Their report included encouraging the church's women's ministry to invite the speakers for a conference at the church in the future. We are grateful to Iglesias Bautista Rey de Vida for inviting our church to participate in camps and retreats.
Women from IBB Manta were invited to a women's retreat at Campamento Cristiano Emaús. 10 women from the church attended the three-day event. They were blessed by the fellowship and outstanding conference speakers. Their report included encouraging the church's women's ministry to invite the speakers for a conference at the church in the future. We are grateful to Iglesias Bautista Rey de Vida for inviting our church to participate in camps and retreats.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Prayer Report March 2016
This month's prayer report features a lot of information about one of our Love in Action ministries, the food pantry. We call it Bendecidos para Bendecir, (Blessed to Bless) because God's blessings in our lives are for the purpose of blessing others.
Anzalone Prayer Report March 2016
Anzalone Prayer Report March 2016
food pantry,
Love in Action,
prayer report
Monday, February 29, 2016
La Revancha Mission First Sunday Service
The first Sunday service for the mission in La Revancha was February 14. There were kids in the Sunday School class and a group of 22 for the worship and preaching. We're thankful for the team who is serving, and for the faith that tells us God is going to put a great group of people together there.
11th Anniversary of IBB Manta
On February 7, 2016 Iglesia Bíblica Bautista de Manta celebrated the 11th anniversary. Our first Sunday service was in 2005. We met in a living room in the Aurora neighborhood. 31 people attended. Over those first couple of years in rented homes, we had some services with just a handful of people. We're thankful for the way God has grown the congregation and led us all toward maturity in Christ.
A highlight of the anniversary service was praying for Pastor Darwin Moreira and his family, along with some of those who feel led to join them in the church planting effort in La Revancha. La Revancha is a large, community outside of Manta where we have felt led to launch a new congregation. Please pray for this new work.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
A Good Start to the Year 2016
We have had a good start to 2016, with a theme of "Healthy Church" and with 3 disciples of Jesus Christ being baptized on the final Sunday of the month of January. We're expecting great things this year. February is going to be awesome! We'll have our 11th anniversary service, and then launch a new church plant. A new ministry to provide afternoon child care to families in crisis will be started in partnership with Inca Link. Full speed ahead in 2016.
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