Family in Manta Ecuador

Family in Manta Ecuador
January 2015

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sometimes Growth is Painful

Teddy is smiling a day or so after losing his two top-front teeth. That's part of growing up. There was some discomfort involved in the teeth being loose, and even more discomfort in pulling them (which he insisted on doing himself when he was good and ready). Now getting along without those teeth is a little bit awkward, but it will be worth it when those nice, strong, full-size teeth make their appearance.
Our church will celebrate its third birthday this coming weekend. We will enjoy looking back at how we started out and thinking of how much we've grown. Right now, our growth is a little bit awkward. We don't always have enough space or an adequate facility for all of the service we would like to offer and for the goals we would like to accomplish. Just this past Sunday we had over 90 again for the Sunday AM service. We've gotten used to handling 90 even though it means that latecomers have to hunt for a seat and don't always find one that offers a good view. We had over 20 men in the 9:30 AM Bible Study. That group meets in the small area off of the apartment's kitchen. That space is just about the size of a breakfast nook where a little dinette set would fit! That's uncomfortable, but it is part of growth.
We will face some more discomfort and awkwardness while we are building and before the full facility is ready, but it will be worth it. Some of the struggles will help our people to grow in their attitudes of service and responsibility. There will be opportunities to learn flexibility and patience. All of those things are good even though they come by way of inconvenience and trial.
Sure it hurts to yank out those wiggly baby teeth, but being able to bite into a crisp and juicy apple make it all worth it.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ten Visitors

Last Sunday, January 13, we had a good-sized group in attendance for the Sunday morning service. The final count was exactly 100. That's an excellent crowd that nearly maximizes our available space. There were ten first-time visitors among the adults and teens. It was great to see the terrace filled to capacity. We are thankful for the numerical growth our church experienced in 2007 although it was a modest increase of 10%. If we continue to grow at even a moderate rate our new church building will be a necessity before we know it. Please be praying with us as we prepare the congregation to reach out to more people and to do so as ministering servants. Also pray with us about our building project: planning, funding, and construction.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Meanwhile, back at the ranch ...

We were absent from the church in Manta for two Sundays, but everyone pitched in so that regular services continued as usual. We are happy to have many people who are willing to do their part and are consistently involved in the ministry. Sunday School, village ministry, youth meeting, adult Bible studies, and Sunday services were all taken care of. I am truly grateful for the privilege we have of working alongside fine Ecuadorian Christians who are willing to use their gifts in service. We are all imperfect but redeemed; and we were unworthy and unusable, but we are now of great worth and very useful. There is a neat illustration of this in the little New Testament letter to Philemon where Paul describes the servant Onesimus, whose name means useful: "He was useless to you, but now he is useful both to you and to me."

Christmas Trip

We were able to have some family time at the end of December. Joy had already gone to Korea to see our new grandson and his parents (ha, ha!) and Teddy and I went to the States. We spent a week with my mom where Teddy had some good Grandma Time. We reunited with Joy for Christmas in Texas and then went to Kansas to have Christmas with Ashley and Alexis and my sisters with their families. Ashley and Alexis brought their engaged-to-be future husbands along to join the fun! Teddy enjoyed getting to know his extended family even though all of his cousins are girls. It snowed in KS so one of Teddy's important goals was accomplished--to play in the snow.
I had the opportunity to report on our work to one of our great supporting churches in the San Antonio, TX area. It is always a joy to talk about the Great Commission during the Christmas Season when we all think of the "good tidings of great joy which shall be for all people."