Family in Manta Ecuador

Family in Manta Ecuador
January 2015

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Program

On Sunday December 18 the Sunday School children presented a Christmas program. They used costumes, music, and Scripture to portray the Christmas Story.

Visit from Pastor and Mrs. Wille

This month Joy's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Ted Wille, have been with us. We have enjoyed having them here, and they have enjoyed spending time with their grandchildren, getting to know Carla and Matthew. It has been a privilege for Joy and I to interpret for them as they have shared with our congregation. Pastor Wille preached on two consecutive Sundays, and Mrs. Wille spoke to a women's Christmas gathering. Our church has been blessed to receive their words of wisdom and insight.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Evangelismo in Jaramijó

On Saturday, November 26, the Manta church took the puppet ministry on the road to the nearby fishing town of Jaramijó. Besides the puppets, around 30 people from the church went along to do set-up, pass out invitations and tracts, lead music and games, and talk to the adults standing around. There was brilliantly hot sunshine, but around 40 kids came out to enjoy the shows, music, and games. They heard the gospel and Bible stories, and at the end of the program, 12 children heard the plan of salvation from the teachers and prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Baby Shower

On Sunday afternoon the ladies of the Manta church held a baby shower for two expectant mothers (pictured with Joy). All of the women enjoyed the fellowship and many gifts were provided to encourage Jessica and Elizabeth. Jessica has been a part of the congregation since the first year, and Elizabeth began to attend the church recently.

Evangelism Outreach Project

On Friday night 30 people from the church in Manta traveled to the nearby town of Jaramijó for evagelism. We showed a movie and passed out tracts. Between 150 and 200 people received a tract, sat and watched, or stayed and talked. We know of three people who prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior and several requested a follow-up contact. We look forward to going back soon for another outreach event.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Baby Dedication

Jacinto, Maria, and their family were please to present their newest family member to the church on Sunday. It is our custom to have a prayer of blessing and dedication before the congregation. The parents are asked to bring their child up in the knowledge and training of Jesus. The church is asked to support the parents in this effort as a loving Christian community where children are welcomed, evangelized, and trained as disciples of Christ.

Baptism, September 25

I haven't been very good about updating here. I'll try to do better. On Sunday,. September 25 the church had the privilege of witnessing the baptism of Javier. We have been praying for him for three years, through many ups and downs. He made a public profession of faith in Christ, and was baptized. He gave thanks to God for a friendship his daughter made with a girl from our Sunday School who invited his family to church. That girl and her parents have been used to bring Javier's whole house to our church and to a living relationship with Christ. What a great testimony to answered prayer!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Auditorium Construction

More walls were added to the auditorium this past week. Doorways, windows, and office space are being defined. It's exciting to see things take shape!

Baby Dedication

We are always happy to see families grow in their faith and commitment to follow Christ. Here is one of the couples that we have prayed for and worked with over the past few years. It was a blessing to present their baby Abbey during a Sunday church service and to offer a prayer of dedication for her and her parents.

Marriage for Life

Five couples from our church completed the Marriage for Life course and received certificates. We are thankful for Alfredo and Wilda, a mature Christian couple, who lead this group, and are an excellent example of service for others in the church.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day at Church

On Father's Day we had a breakfast for the men before the service. Thirty men attended. We showed a video of testimonies from several international soccer stars who are Christians. There were several visitors for the morning service and a good response to the message. It is always good to see families change as men live as followers of Christ.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Sunday we had the privilege of baptizing five believers. Two are young teens, one young lady is the daughter of a dedicated young couple, and the other two are a young couple, recently married, who each came to know Jesus during the past month. It always brings joy to our hearts to see new believers following Christ and fruit of the ministries of the church. Completing the Great Commission involves evangelism, baptism, and teaching. Thank you for praying for us as we serve Christ in Ecuador.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Puppet Ministry

Last weekend we had BBFI Missionary Jenny Carpenter come to Manta to train our children's ministry workers, and others who were interested, in the use of puppets. She did a great job in workshop sessions on Friday and Saturday and the folks were excited to get started. We organized four groups that immediately began working on songs and skits. On Sunday, the first group presented a skit and songs to the children during the worship and preaching service. It was a big hit with the kids. We look forward to this being a fruitful ministry in both evangelism and education.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Auditorium Space Put to Use

Now that our auditorium has a roof we can use it on Sunday mornings. Walls have been built to create the new classrooms on the second floor of the education building (dividing the space we were using for Sunday services). Now each Sunday School and Bible Study group has a large meeting space and room to grow. The photo shows our 11:00 service, and you can see that we have room to grow there as well! God has been very good to us.

Easter 2011

On Easter Sunday we had the joy of baptizing 4 people who wanted to identify themselves as disciples of Jesus. Each one of these has a special story. For example: The two boys have attended our Sunday School since we started the church six years ago. They have been asking their mom if they can be baptized for quite some time. Both gave testimonies of having invited Jesus to be their Savior in their Sunday School class.

We are blessed as a family in many ways. Most of all, we live with faith in a living Lord who is victorious over sin and death! We are blessed to serve him and people in Ecuador who are seeking for peace, hope, and true joy. They find it in a living relationship with Christ.

Youth Camp

We had a terrific youth retreat in March. Missionary Glenn McGhee was our speaker. Many of these young people are involved in some kind of ministry in our church. They had a great time at camp.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

First Baptisms at the Church Building

The building isn't finished, and the baptistery isn't finished, but today (February 27, 2011) we held our first baptismal service at the church's own building. Seventeen people were baptized in obedience to Jesus' command and following his example. It was a great group: Whole families, Sunday School kids, new believers, men, women, teens! What an exciting time for our church!
I'm sure there are times that I will miss having baptisms at the beach, and maybe we can still do that once in a while, but it was cool to have over 100 present to support and witness the testimony of these new disciples.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

January is Nearly Gone

We're well into 2011 and there are a number of reasons to praise God as our ministry in Manta, Ecuador moves ahead. First, we are excited about the theme for this year: Build Your House on the Rock! In our preaching and teaching we will be emphasizing the wonderful words and works of our Lord Jesus, seeking to make practical application to life, and living in obedience as disciples of Christ. We are praying for revival in our church, and for God to call servants into his harvest field. Secondly, we are so thankful that God is providing for the construction of the church building to continue. We expect to have a roof on the auditorium soon! I can't wait to post pictures!
Thirdly, we are going to get more of our church involved in ministry. Please pray for a good response to opportunities in visitation, welcome, evangelism, and discipleship ministries of the church. As the building progresses we will have more opportunities for people to teach and assist in Sunday School classes as well. This should be a great year!