Sunday was a big day in our ministry. I know that in a week with the Super Bowl and Super Tuesday our excitement may not seem like a big deal to you, but we felt great about it. On Sunday, February 3, we celebrated the third birthday of our congregation. We had our first Sunday service on the first Sunday of February 2005. There were about 30 people there. Our average attendance is now over 90 so we have grown considerably. This years anniversary was during the biggest holiday weekend of the year in Ecuador, yet the terrace was full for the morning service. You can see a large portion of the crowd in the photo.
On Sunday evening we had an activity in the local park. God answered our prayers and the heavy rains we had most of the weekend ceased as it grew dark. We showed an exciting, evangelistic film, gave away copies of the Gospel of John, and even had an evangelistic Bible study with those who were interested. We can estimate that around 200 watched at least some of the film, and over 70 participated in the Bible study. We are praying that there will be lasting fruit from the event.
By the time I got home, the Super Bowl had long been over, but I had the foresight to tape it. Even though I was tired, I stayed up and watched it. I have been a Giants fan since back in the late 1970's; so I had one more thing to be happy about. It was a Super-Duper Day!
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