Family in Manta Ecuador

Family in Manta Ecuador
January 2015

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thanks to the Smiths for 30 Years of Ministry

Jim and Sharon Smith have been BBFI missionaries to Ecuador for more than 30 years. Now they are beginning a new phase of their ministry at the Baptist Bible Fellowship Mission Office in Springfield, MO. This month we who have had the privilege of being influenced by their lives had an opportunity to say, "Thank you," and to give them a good send-off. The photo shows Jim and Sharon along with their children Stacey and Zac. Joy took this picture after they had received the hugs and best wishes of a few hundred people at the end of a testimony service at the church they founded in Quito more than 25 years ago. Pastors and members of churches and ministries that have grown from that work were present as well.
I also had the opportunity to attend a retreat for pastors and church leaders a few days before the good-bye service. Jim was the conference teacher at the retreat. It was awesome to be able to share that time with three of the ministry leaders from our young church in Manta. I pray that they will be motivated to work faithfully for the Lord and to serve others just as Jim has done.

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