Family in Manta Ecuador

Family in Manta Ecuador
January 2015

Saturday, August 5, 2017

July 2017 Prayer Report

It’s time for us to get back to Ecuador!
This furlough has been a great experience for our family. In some ways we’ve had ample opportunity for rest, recharging, and even recreation; but in other ways it has been stressful and challenging. We have reserved tickets to Quito for August 31, so … ready or not, here we come!

·       Fellowship – Since we arrived in the USA at the end of October 2016, we have spent 12 to 16 weeks around 3 different churches that invited us to stay in homes provided to missonaries. Their generosity created much-needed stability for our family, and reduced our furlough expenses. It also created a unique bond of fellowship and sense of belonging between our children and the church. We are very grateful!
·       Safety – We have been driving a couple of 2007 vehicles with high numbers on the odometers, but we have had no breakdowns and no accidents. One of our trips with the five of us plus our grandson Crosby Taylor covered 13 states, and over 4,000 miles in 15 days! We’re thankful for God’s mercy over weary travelers.
·       Family – Joy and I are at this stage of life when we value time with our parents, children, and grandchildren over almost anything else. God has been generous with us in allowing us to spend quality time with many of our family members, to enjoy holidays together, and to make memories that we’ll treasure.
·       Goodbye and Hello – We have mixed emotions about returning to Ecuador. It is going to be hard to say goodbye to family and friends. Our parents have some serious health concerns and our adult children have challenges to face. On the other hand, we’ll be returning to our Ecuadorian brothers and sisters who love us and to the Manta church that has moved forward during our absence. Pray for us to have grace for both experiences.
·       Extra expenses – Our budget is always stretched beyond the limit! Airfare from Knoxville to Manta will have a total cost around $3,000 for our family. Recently an opportunity developed to have Carla and Matthew professionally tested in regard to their special educational needs. They will be completing the testing before we leave. The testing, plus our usual education costs at this time each year, come to over $2,000. If you’d like to help with either of these needs, you may add an additional amount to what you send through BBFI (mark it Anzalone Ecuador Special).
·       Family – We are starting our new “Multiply!” ministry. Pray for us as we create networks with pastors and churches. Pray for new visions and strategies for discipleship, servant-leadership development, and local church planting. Pray for the sale of our home and the purchase and development of a new home for hospitiality ministry. Pray for God to provide our goal of $50,000 for development of the property. Please pray about giving for this purpose.

Thank you for praying and giving.

You can download the full PDF file of at Anzalone Ecuador Prayer Report July 2017

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