Family in Manta Ecuador

Family in Manta Ecuador
January 2015

Monday, November 17, 2008

Not All Things Seem Good

In the past couple of months we have had at least our share of the flu. One week in particular the germs passed from Teddy, to Joy, to me and sent us each to bed in turn. It is no fun to be sick, to feel weak, and to have to be still.
Lately, one of the men in our church who had seen some tremendous changes in his life has struggled to stay free from the grasp of drug use. He has had a few set-backs. His wife is battling despair and fear that he is on another downward spiral.
Two of the couples who were important parts of the beginning of our church in Manta have been notably absent from the unity and fellowship with the rest of the congregation. The church continues to change and grow, and maybe that's an excuse from their point of view, but it is painful for me to see some of those who worked and contributed to the first steps in starting this church missing out on the joyful results and the excitement about the future.
All of these things seem negative in themselves, but I believe in the power of prayer and in the promise that all things, even those that seen bad, work out for good through God's providence. We count on your prayers for each of these concerns.

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