Family in Manta Ecuador

Family in Manta Ecuador
January 2015

Friday, June 12, 2015

David Proaño Family

Our church has the privilege of being a part of the support team for Evangelist David Proaño and his family. They do a great job as part of Open Air Campaigners. They use mime and painting to accompany preaching of the Gospel in settings such as parks, plazas, and other public places. On their recent visit to Manta, among other locations, they visited the Playa Murciélago. A crowd soon gathered around and some listened intently to the whole presentation. Several stayed around to talk and received the Gospel of John to take home to study. David also taught an evangelism seminar at our church and preached twice on Sunday, May 31. Several people prayed to receive Christ as their Savior during their time with our church. We are thankful to be partners in their ministry.

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